The links and buttons at the top of these pages will take you to the various sections in this website. You can download copies of some of our many useful information files from the various sections, which includes such publications as the Abbreviations List, the NDB List Country List, and the NDB Publications List, which will help you to get started if you are new to the hobby.
© ndblist 1998 - 2025

Amalgamated DGPS - Created by Black Cat Systems, this program is available in both Windows

and Mac versions, and is unique in that it can be set up to decode the entire DGPS Band when used

with certain SDR receivers.

cocoaModem - This program created by W7AY for Mac users, will decode various datamodes including NAVTEX, FAX and CW and may be of interest to many of the Mac users who are presently underserved in this field, this program is not free, but may be of interest to some enthusiasts.

DBR Control - Tom Becker's excellent and unique control software for running DGPS Beacon

receivers like the JRC NRB-2J (and its Raytheon M93511 and Autohelm equivalent), Garmin GBR-21

and GBR-23, Lowrance/Eagle, Magnavox/Starlink/Leica/CSI/Furuno/MX-Marine/Hemisphere and

probably most other DGPS LF beacon receivers. It can decode and log the 4800bps serial data (RTCM

binary in Magnavox-standard 6-of-8 format) they produce.

DSC Decoder - This software produced by COAA, now includes the ability to decode DGPS signals

as well as DSC and Navtex. This will run on any suitable PC and with a compatible soundcard, and

comes at a very reasonable price for the registered version of just 25 Euros. You can download a 21

day demo version from their website, and this will give you the chance to try out this mode.

DXtreme - This Powerful and easy-to-use logging applications for radio enthusiasts.

DX Atlas - Very useful program which produces World Maps, ITU Zones, Prefixes and Grey Line

maps, which are always useful to DXers and Hams looking for Grey Line propagation.

Fldigi - This 'freeware' program will decode a number of modes such as PSK31, Domino, Hell, Olivia,

MT63, Throb, WEFAX and a few others, and it also includes an option for decoding NAVTEX/SITOR

MODE B as well. You can download the latest copy in Windows, Linux or Mac versions.

GMDSS-DSC - Another great program from Black Cat Systems, this new DSC decoding program is

available in both Windows and Mac versions. You can even try out a fully working trial version before


HF WEATHER FAX - Yet another program from Black Cat Systems, this one will decode HF Weather Fax transmissions. This program is available in both Windows, Mac, Android and iPad/iPhone versions too, and you can try out a fully working trial version before buying.

HOKA Code 300 - The most advanced data analyzer demodulator and decoder for HF and

VHF/UHF digital signals, with prices to match.

MixW Ham Decoding Software - A popular program with many Radio Amateurs due to the

number of modes it can receive (and transmit), this will also decode NAVTEX signals with its 'AMTOR'


MULTIMODE COCOA - This program will decode numerous data modes, including DGPS, but is

designed especially for Mac users, and is produced by Black Cat Systems.

Multipsk - This excellent 'freeware' program by Patrick, F6CTE, covers many popular Amateur

modes, and from version 4.9 onwards will also decode DGPS signals as well (you'll find it in the

Professional Modes section).

NAVTEX DECODER - A 'freeware' program from Mark Longstaff-Tyrrell, this is an ideal starting

point for the newcomer to the hobby. It will also decode the Japanese language, which makes it


NAVTEXview v2.3 - This is wonderful freeware utility program, developed and kindly supplied to

us by Tobias Taufer (T2) from Germany, is designed to create a window on their desktop which will

show stations which are active in 'real time', and also those that are coming up next. This version has

a new updated map.

NAVTEXview Re-Player Foobar2000 - Tobias also came up with a very interesting method of re-playing pre-recorded NAVTEX signals using the Foobar 2000 player, and this creates a handy feature which can be used when the NAVTEX sound is not real-time but comes from a recorded soundfile. This will work in combination with NAVTEXview.

NDBfinder decoding software - This program was produced by Bev at COAA for use in

decoding very weak NDB Signals, but now also includes the ability to decode LORAN signals. Not

freeware, but a 21 day fully working trial version can be downloaded from this link.

RADIOCLOCK - Produced by COAA for use in setting the clock on your PC using Time Signal

Stations, but is also useful for in helping to identify them. Works as freeware unless the extra

features are required and can be downloaded from this link.

SeaTTY - Another excellent NAVTEX & RTTY decoding program, which will also decode WeatherFAX

as well, and this program created by DX Soft, will also ‘time stamp’ your catches, and is ideal for

monitoring NAVTEX channels over long periods.

Sigmira - Sigmira is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) application program that runs on Windows and

Linux, and will demodulate various military, utility, and "ham" radio signals, including NAVTEX.

SPECTRUM LAB - VERSION 2.79 - This program from DL4YHF can also decode DGPS signals,

though it is not quite as user friendly for this mode as some of the other programs, but is well worth

taking the trouble to get to know. This is an older version, as the later ones aren't quite as useful for

this mode.

TrueTTY - From the same stable as SeaTTY, this programme will decode a number of other data

modes as well as NAVTEX, but it doesn't time stamp them.

WiNRADiO Advanced Digital Suite - Users of the WinRadio SDRs might like to check this

page out for more details.

WiNRADiO FSK Decoder - Yet another useful program from WinRadio, this one will not only

decode NAVTEX and SITOR B, but also many other modes as well.

WWSU 6.4 - Not a decoding program, but an excellent database program showing NDBs, NAVTEX

and DGPS stations and beacons. Created by Alex, VE3GOP, this is an excellent piece of software for

any DGPS enthusiast to have at their disposal, and is also very useful for creating your logs, and

these can be edited to show any notes you wish to make.

YaDD (Yet Another DSC Decoder) - This excellent program, also created by the late Dirk

Claessens, creator of YaND, now gives DSC enthusiasts a new alternative to the existing DSC

Decoding programs, and comes with a more user friendly interface. ** recommended **

YaDDNet - Not a decoding program, but on online database showing the logs uploaded by users

of YaDD. Originally created by John GM4SLV, this online Multi-Band DSC Monitoring Site, shows all of

the DSC logs received by various listeners around the world and uploaded to the site.

YaND (Yet Another Navtex Decoder - This superb program, without doubt the most

comprehensive decoder currently available, was created by the late Dirk Claessens, a very

experienced NAVTEX enthusiast from Belgium, and offers a large number of unique features. You can

download a copy by clicking on this link.

YaND Manual v5.3.1 - This is an English language manual for the YaND program above (613kb).

Be sure to download and read this first if you are installing YaND for the first time.

Welcome to the Datamodes Section. On this page you will find links and resources for all the modes such as NAXTEX DXing, DGPS DXing, Time Signal Stations monitoring, Weather FAX broadcast listening and other similar Navigation modes such as LORAN etc. We have a number of specialist groups which cover these subjects and you can find details of how to join them from our ‘Groups’ tab at the top of the page. Below you will find links to a number of very useful decoding programs which you might like to try, and also a number of useful files and databases of frequencies and other useful resources.




An Introduction to DGPS DXing v2.3 - If you are thinking about giving this mode a try then this

file will give you some useful information to help you get started. (updated and revised January 2019, 26


An Introduction to NAVTEX DXing v2.5 - This guide gives a little more information about the

mode of NAVTEX, the equipment used to receive it, and some information about how to understand the

various messages that you will receive. (updated and revised February 2024)

DGPS BEACONS OF THE WORLD FOR DXERS v13.5 - This 18 page printable .pdf database

currently contains a list of known DGPS beacon information, and it is sorted by frequency. The latest

update includes some of the recent French closures. (This edition was last revised on the 7th of

November 2024)

DGPS Message Types - This short document gives a good explanation of the various DGPS Message

Types and what they do.

NAVTEX Abbreviations - This new printable 5 page publication gives a comprehensive list of many

of the terms and acronyms used on by the NAVTEX service.

NAVTEX QSL Adress List v3.8 - This 9 page document attempts to put together known QSL

addresses that have worked in the past, and also to make some suggestions for stations that haven't yet

been confirmed. Any additional information or corrections, particularly e-mail address used for 'e-reports',

that could help to make this more accurate and useful to NAVTEX DXers would be greatly appreciated.

(this edition created 1st of March 2018).

NAVTEX Database for DXers v16.7 - This 15 page printable .pdf version of the database contains

a list of currently known active and planned NAVTEX Stations sorted by Navarea order. Any updates,

corrections or contributions to it are always greatly appreciated. (This edition was last updated on the 9th

of January 2025).

HF NBDP Database for DXers v1.4 - This 11 page printable .pdf version of the database contains

a list of currently known active and planned HF Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP) Stations, which are

shown in 'Time Sorted' order. Any updates, corrections or contributions to it are always greatly

appreciated. (This edition was last updated on the 9th of February 2024).

NAVTEX Times - Another useful printable guide by Brian Keyte explaining how the various NAVTEX

Time Slots work.

INTERFACING GUIDE - A useful printable guide showing how to connect your radio receiver to your

computer, very useful when attempting to decode Datamodes for the first time.

The links and buttons on this page will take you to the various sections in this website, and new members of any of our groups can download copies of some of our many useful information files from the various sections, which includes such publications as the Abbreviations List, the NDB List Country List, the NDB Publications List and the CLE Guide.
© ndblist 2024

Amalgamated DGPS - Created by Black

Cat Systems, this program is available in both

Windows and Mac versions, and is unique in that

it can be set up to decode the entire DGPS Band

when used with certain SDR receivers.

cocoaModem - This program created by W7AY for Mac users, will decode various datamodes including NAVTEX, FAX and CW and may be of interest to many of the Mac users who are presently underserved in this field, this program is not free, but may be of interest to some enthusiasts.

DBR Control - Tom Becker's excellent and

unique control software for running DGPS

Beacon receivers like the JRC NRB-2J (and its

Raytheon M93511 and Autohelm equivalent),

Garmin GBR-21 and GBR-23, Lowrance/Eagle,


Marine/Hemisphere and probably most other

DGPS LF beacon receivers. It can decode and log

the 4800bps serial data (RTCM binary in

Magnavox-standard 6-of-8 format) they produce.

DSC Decoder - This software produced by

COAA, now includes the ability to decode DGPS

signals as well as DSC and Navtex. This will run

on any suitable PC and with a compatible

soundcard, and comes at a very reasonable price

for the registered version of just 25 Euros. You

can download a 21 day demo version from their

website, and this will give you the chance to try

out this mode.

DXtreme - This Powerful and easy-to-use

logging applications for radio enthusiasts.

DX Atlas - Very useful program which

produces World Maps, ITU Zones, Prefixes and

Grey Line maps, which are always useful to

DXers and Hams looking for Grey Line


Fldigi - This 'freeware' program will decode a

number of modes such as PSK31, Domino, Hell,

Olivia, MT63, Throb, WEFAX and a few others,

and it also includes an option for decoding

NAVTEX/SITOR MODE B as well. You can

download the latest copy in Windows, Linux or

Mac versions.

GMDSS-DSC - Another great program from

Black Cat Systems, this new DSC decoding

program is available in both Windows and Mac

versions. You can even try out a fully working

trial version before buying.

HF WEATHER FAX - Yet another program from Black Cat Systems, this one will decode HF Weather Fax transmissions. This program is available in both Windows, Mac, Android and iPad/iPhone versions too, and you can try out a fully working trial version before buying.

HOKA Code 300 - The most advanced data

analyzer demodulator and decoder for HF and

VHF/UHF digital signals, with prices to match.

MixW Ham Decoding Software - A

popular program with many Radio Amateurs due

to the number of modes it can receive (and

transmit), this will also decode NAVTEX signals

with its 'AMTOR' mode.

MULTIMODE COCOA - This program will

decode numerous data modes, including DGPS,

but is designed especially for Mac users, and is

produced by Black Cat Systems.

Multipsk - This excellent 'freeware' program

by Patrick, F6CTE, covers many popular Amateur

modes, and from version 4.9 onwards will also

decode DGPS signals as well (you'll find it in the

Professional Modes section).

NAVTEX DECODER - A 'freeware' program

from Mark Longstaff-Tyrrell, this is an ideal

starting point for the newcomer to the hobby. It

will also decode the Japanese language, which

makes it unique!

NAVTEXview v2.3 - This is wonderful

freeware utility program, developed and kindly

supplied to us by Tobias Taufer (T2) from

Germany, is designed to create a window on

their desktop which will show stations which are

active in 'real time', and also those that are

coming up next. This version has a new updated


NAVTEXview Re-Player Foobar2000 - Tobias also came up with a very interesting method of re-playing pre-recorded NAVTEX signals using the Foobar 2000 player, and this creates a handy feature which can be used when the NAVTEX sound is not real-time but comes from a recorded soundfile. This will work in combination with NAVTEXview.

NDBfinder decoding software - This

program was produced by Bev at COAA for use in

decoding very weak NDB Signals, but now also

includes the ability to decode LORAN signals. Not

freeware, but a 21 day fully working trial version

can be downloaded from this link.

RADIOCLOCK - Produced by COAA for use in

setting the clock on your PC using Time Signal

Stations, but is also useful for in helping to

identify them. Works as freeware unless the

extra features are required and can be

downloaded from this link.

SeaTTY - Another excellent NAVTEX & RTTY

decoding program, which will also decode

WeatherFAX as well, and this program created by

DX Soft, will also ‘time stamp’ your catches, and

is ideal for monitoring NAVTEX channels over

long periods.

Sigmira - Sigmira is a Software Defined Radio

(SDR) application program that runs on Windows

and Linux, and will demodulate various military,

utility, and "ham" radio signals, including



program from DL4YHF can also decode DGPS

signals, though it is not quite as user friendly for

this mode as some of the other programs, but is

well worth taking the trouble to get to know. This

is an older version, as the later ones aren't quite

as useful for this mode.

TrueTTY - From the same stable as SeaTTY,

this programme will decode a number of other

data modes as well as NAVTEX, but it doesn't

time stamp them.

WiNRADiO Advanced Digital Suite -

Users of the WinRadio SDRs might like to check

this page out for more details.

WiNRADiO FSK Decoder - Yet another

useful program from WinRadio, this one will not

only decode NAVTEX and SITOR B, but also many

other modes as well.

WWSU 6.4 - Not a decoding program, but an

excellent database program showing NDBs,

NAVTEX and DGPS stations and beacons. Created

by Alex, VE3GOP, this is an excellent piece of

software for any DGPS enthusiast to have at

their disposal, and is also very useful for creating

your logs, and these can be edited to show any

notes you wish to make.

YaDD (Yet Another DSC Decoder) - This

excellent program, also created by the late Dirk

Claessens, creator of YaND, now gives DSC

enthusiasts a new alternative to the existing DSC

Decoding programs, and comes with a more

user friendly interface. ** recommended **

YaDDNet - Not a decoding program, but on

online database showing the logs uploaded by

users of YaDD. Originally created by John

GM4SLV, this online Multi-Band DSC Monitoring

Site, shows all of the DSC logs received by

various listeners around the world and uploaded

to the site.

YaND (Yet Another Navtex Decoder -

This superb program, without doubt the most

comprehensive decoder currently available, was

created by the late Dirk Claessens, a very

experienced NAVTEX enthusiast from Belgium,

and offers a large number of unique features.

You can download a copy by clicking on this link.

YaND Manual v5.3.1 - This is an English

language manual for the YaND program above

(613kb). Be sure to download and read this first if

you are installing YaND for the first time.
